What Are Section 211 Reports?
Section 211 reports, also known as Custody and Access reports, are reports written by a professional such as a psychologist, counsellor or social worker with respect to your children. These professionals examine family dynamics, the children and the parents’ relationships with the children and recommend what they think are the best parenting arrangements for your children. S.211 of the BC Family Law Act authorizes these reports hence why they are called S.211 reports.
What Kinds of S.211 Reports Are There in BC?
Generally, there are three types of S.211 reports:
Views of the Child Report in BC
A Counsellor sits down with the child and asks them questions about their life, parents and what their wishes are with respect to parenting arrangements. The Counsellor then makes a report based on those meetings and provides the report to the judge. In cases of alienation, a Views of the Child report is not always recommended and a full S.211 report may be more appropriate. However, even in these reports, the Counsellor can provide an opinion on whether the child had been trained to say what they said or whether their wishes were genuine and not based on parental influence. They can report on whether there are obvious signs of alienation or coaching. They can also make recommendations related to the child and their needs.
These reports usually cost between $1500-$2500 and can be done quickly (a few weeks or less).
Hear the Child Report in BC
Hear the Child reports are a lighter, more simple version of the Views of the Child Report. These reports merely relay what the child wants to say to the Judge. They do not analyze what the child said and do not give an opinion. They are more like a way to communicate with a Judge. The Counsellor simply sits down with the child and takes notes about what the child has to say. The Counsellor then writes to the Judge and parents and relays the child’s message verbatim.
These reports usually cost between $900 and $1000 dollars and can be done quickly (approx. 2 weeks).
Andrea Yeo is a Child Interviewer on the BC Hear the Child Society’s Roster and is a trained, neutral professional who listens to children and provides written reports of their views to decision-makers and others involved in family law cases where the child’s best interests are being determined.
For more information visit: Andrea Yeo - BC Hear the Child Society
Andrea Yeo is able to provide both Views of the Child and Hear the Child Reports.